Monday, July 2, 2012

Are we there yet?

Saying our goodbyes was extremely hard but I think they all did really well. We left Gulu early Sunday morning and drove to go on our safari. The safari was pretty cool seeing animals and all the landscape was a really cool experience. But while we were driving around we got pretty lost and ended up not eating lunch until about 3:30pm which is super late. We were so ready to get out of that car! After lunch we had to take a fairy across the Alfred River then we started the drive to the "hotel" we were going to stay in. They said that it wasn't a very long drive at all but two hours later we still weren't there, it was getting dark, and a storm was coming. Well we finally got there and it was not at all what we expected, I mean don't get me wrong but when they said we were staying in Bodongo Lodge we all were super excited about a warm shower and a nice bed, false. Bodongo is an Eco lodge that is completely organic with outside showers and wooden cabins as rooms. The food was pretty good but being in the middle of the African forest during a rainstorm was not what we expected. When we got up this morning we had a flat tire so Roy had to change it and we didn't leave until 9am. We got on the road to go to Kampala and made it about 45 minutes then the car started making some weird noises so we had to stop and get it looked at. We waited another 3 hours as the mechanics took apart some parts of the back axle
area then put them back on to fix the car. We finally got back on the road to Kampala at around 1 in the afternoon. By 3 the car had broken down again. This time a different tire had fallen off, completely off. And all the bolts holding it on had split in half so we had to take off the hub and do a lot of other stuff to try to get everything fixed. We ended up having to call Roy's friend who lives in Kampala to have him come and pick us up. Luckily there was a man on a Boda Boda who drove by and helped us make the spare tire work enough to make it back to Kampala but we still moved the luggage and all the interns to
The other car. By 6 we were on our way again. This time for good. We finally made it to our hotel in Kampala at around 7:30pm and then went out to eat around 8:30 (after not getting to eat lunch the nice dinner we had here was amazing!) Now we are in the hotel for the night and get to sleep in tomorrow! Yay! Please pray for safe travels tomorrow ad Wednesday and that we have no more drama!


  1. Satan is at work, but most importantly God is on the thrown. Cast your fears aside and give them to God---He can handle it. Stay the course, focus on the goal and keep moving ahead. Mama loves you, and I think I love you more than anyone, but I don't. There is someone else that loves you so much more, and you have been in His hands all along. I can't protect you, I can't call AAA, and I can't ask you to sit tight because I am on my way. Do not worry about today or tomorrow, for they will have enough worries of their own. God has overcome the world and can handle this. Remember Jer. 29:11---He won't let you down. See you soon!

  2. I know God has everything in His hands! Today was hard but it could have been a whole lot worse or we could have wrecked badly when the tire fell off! I think Satin is just trying to rain on our parade now that we are almost home! Can't wait to see you mama, love you!
