Sunday, May 27, 2012

3 days: coincidence or not?

Let me tell my Africa story; before I go to Africa!

Jamie East was my history teacher junior year at AHS and at the end of the year she shared with our class that she was selling everything she owned and was moving to Africa. Well we were all obviously a little shocked but I thought it was amazing! I have always loved missions, especially since I went to Ecuador summer of 2010. I had a blast there and it changed my life. Well when Ms. East told us I stayed after class to ask her some details. That was when she said I could come and visit. At first I thought she was kidding, then she got me more information about the internship program they were going I have. So I applied, not thinking much would come out of it. Oh boy was I wrong. When I told my mom what I had done she said "you don't even know these people" and I replied with "it's Four Corners Ministries mama". Silence. Turns out one of mama's work collages also works with FCM and mama had even donated to send her husband to South Sudan. At this point I knew God had a plan, but mama wasn't convinced, the next thing we know we are invited to a dinner for more information and mama meets Matt and Jamie and the whole crew! My internship application was now accepted and the fundraising could begin! Mama was still in denial but she let me write a grand total of 132 letters asking people to make donations. At first donations were slow but then the money came in quickly and now I have raised over the required amount! Woohoo! But that is not the end of God's hand in this trip. Mama was standing next to a coworker at a banquet and they got to talking about their children, I had gone to preschool with her youngest (twins) and the mama's were enjoying themselves talking about how proud they were of their seniors. Turns out I did not have a roommate for the fall and neither did one of her twins, now we are rooming together. Then her older daughter happens to be going I Africa with me as a fellow intern!!! God is good! After all this happened Mama finally accepted that this was obviously Gods will for me and now we are just rolling with it! A church member and family friend has visited Uganda and worked in the same village that we are staying in, so today we had lunch with their family and he gave me lots of wonderful advice, and peace of mind for mama! All that God has done is so amazing and it is so obvious that he wants me in Africa this summer! I love it and I am so exited!!! This just can't be better! As I packed today all of this came to me so I thought I should share! Thanks so much for reading! Wednesday is coming quickly!

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